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The General Electric Company was active in the mobile radio industry for more than 60 years. With the help of many GE veterans this site records some of the history of this GE business up to the late 1980s when Ericsson came in. Equipment families, facilities and people are covered - the major product lines and facilities information being of more general interest, and people content being more for ex-GErs or their survivors. Detailed technical information (i.e. service manuals, schematics etc.) are not covered; there are other sites for that.

Please contact me about any information that you have on GE events: product introductions - major contracts - changes at the upper manager level - telephone books - production dates - product literature and advertisements and more are appropriate for this site. Contributors will be credited unless they request anonymity.

Prime Pages

Northeastern Plants and Facilities GE News Index Page
Southern Plants and Facilities From Hertz to MegaHertz - GE & Police Radio
New York Products Some L/M Spectrum History - PDF
Lynchburg Products GE Radio History - Eleven typed pages - PDF
Lynchburg Facilities and Employment Time-Line Milestones In the Land-Mobile Radio Service
The Employees - Co-Workers Page Some Significant GE Firsts In 2-Way Radio
Photos of All 1989 Employees 1951 GE Emergency Radio Video - YouTube

Photo Slide Shows

Move the cursor off the image to start a show; the cursor on the image stops it. There is a 4 second delay between slides. Some slides will have a caption in the upper right corner. Cellphones: Tap on the image to stop the show; a tap well away from the image restarts it after 4 seconds.

New York Low-Band Equipment - 32 Images New York High-Band Equipment - 23 images
New York-Early Stations - 32 Images
NY Stornproof and Portable - 16 Images
New York-Control Gear - 10 Images Progress Line - 1950s-60s - 25 Images
Early Customers - 25 images Employees - Co-Workers Slide Show- 56 Images
Test Equipment - 17 images UnidentifiedPeople - 18 Images
MII Development 1970-72 - 30 Images

Brochures, Spec Sheets and Advertisements - PDFs

GE-2 Way 1962 Brochure - 32 Pages
Broad Line Brouchure 1975 - 12 Pages
PORTA_MOBIL Brochure 1964 - 8 Pages
MASTR II First Brochure 1972 - 12 Pages
MASTR PRO Brochure 1964 - 23 Pages
MASTR Products 1978 Brochure - 12 Pages
MASTR Personals 1969 Brochure - 8 Pages GE Stations - 12/1978 - 12 Pages
MASTR Executive Brochure 1965 - 16 Pages MASTR MPR 1978 Brochure - 4 Pages
MASTR PE 1978 Brochure - 4 Pages Royal Exec Brochure 1968 - 16 Pages
MASTR Stations Brochure -10/1970 - 20 Pages Personal & Portable 1978 Brochure - 10 Pages
Trunked Systems Brochure - 1980s - 12 Pages MASTR_MVP 1978 Brochure - 4 Pages
MASTR Personals Brochure 1975 - 16 Pages

Exec II VHF Station Specs - 2 Pages TPL-10Watt-Speaker - 2 Pages
Pagers Spec Sheets - 1976 - 12 Pages Print Advertisements - 13 Pages
Siren - Amplifier - 4 Pages

Miscellany - Mostly PDFs

Customer Service Pictorial 1962 National Sales Team
Richard P. Gifford
Hurricane Camille
Images from AKG's 1960s Feedback Publication
Land-Mobile Radio Industry
Trivia 1984 RIF-Newspaper Story
Rader's Rules AKG's Living With Lightning
Service Parts Catalog

Legal Notice Credits
Contact Us Links


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Except as noted here most of the site's content is in the public domain.

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